ÿRSFTSTYL«\˜.Oxford-Author Titleûû:Oxford Style Manual, 2003ûûHumanities˜ ˆThe Oxford style is a complex one and EndNote cannot do everything required by it. Below are some of the limitations of this style. Book titles within titles are not to be italicized. EndNote cannot do this. Repeated authors in the bibliography are required to have an em-dash for each repeated author and that not all authors must be the same in order to enter such dashes. EndNote cannot do this. EndNote will place one em-dash in place of all the authors if all the authors for each reference are the same. If only some of the authors are the same EndNote will put in all the author names. Along with these limitations, the Oxford Style Manual frequently gives several inconsistent variations of allowed formatting for one reference type. EndNote can be set to use only one of these variations. If you prefer to use another variation as your standard see the chapter on Bibliographic Styles in the EndNote manual for information on editing styles.!.Oxford Author-Titleûû6Oxford University PressûûTô !lpqrsƒt¼x\yz{  and!|$  and ûû!xXyzd{  , !|$ , and !uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ûû!"ppqrsƒtÀx`yz{$  and ûû!|$  and ûû!xXyzd{  , !|$ , and !uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ûû!#O  ô¡¢ät‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  'ûû!• ', ûû!–—Ä‘’ “” •l  , !X"(#$%&"(#$%&–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  /ûû!• –—t‘’ “”   (!• –—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  )ûû!–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ¡¢t‘’ “” •  , !–—h‘’ “” • –—„‘ ’ “”, , ed.^eds !• –—„‘ ’ “”, , trans. ûû!• –—ˆ‘ ’ “”  , !•$  vols.!–—t‘’ “”   (!• –—|‘’ “” •$  edn.ûû!–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘ ’ “”  ; !• –—t‘ ’ “”  : !• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  )ûû!• –—t‘’ “”   ûû!• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— T¡¢Dt‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  'ûû!• ', ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “”  (ûû!• –—t‘ ’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  )ûû!–—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ¡¢ t‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  'ûû!• ', ûû!–—Ä‘’ “” •l  , !X"(#$%&"(#$%&–—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—h‘’ “” • –—€‘#’ “”( , sec. ûû!• –—x‘’ “”  p. !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ´¡¢¤t‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  'ûû!• ', ûû!–— ‘ ’ “” in ûû!•8 ( (ed.),^(eds.), !–—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “”  (ûû!• –—|‘’ “” •$  edn.ûû!–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘ ’ “”  ; !• –—t‘ ’ “”  : !• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  )ûû!• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— È¡¢¸t‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  'ûû!• ', ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  /ûû!• –—€‘’ “”   (!•  )ûû!–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ,¡ ¢‘’ “” •8 ( (ed.),^(eds.), !–—h‘’ “” • –—ˆ‘ ’ “”0 , ed.^eds. ûû!• –—„‘ ’ “”, , trans. ûû!• –—ˆ‘ ’ “”   ûû!•$  vols.!–—t‘’ “”   (!• –—€‘’ “” •(  edn., ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  ; 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!âåæç è 8X}~ et al.ûû€‚, . . . 9:;  , !<=>?@I<PQZ  , !RSppqrsƒtÀx`yz{$  and ûû!|$  and ûû!xXyzd{  , !|$ , and !uX}~ et al.ûû€‚, . . . vw ---ûû!TppqrsƒtÀx`yz{$  and ûû!|$  and ûû!xXyzd{  , !|$ , and !uX}~ et al.ûû€‚, . . . vw ---ûû!U>P l¡¢\t‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  'ûû!• ', ûû!–—Ä‘’ “” •l  , !X"(#$%&"(#$%&–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  /ûû!• –—t‘’ “”   (!• –—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  )ûû!–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—x‘@’ “”  at !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— Œ¡¢|t‘’ “” •  , !–—h‘’ “” • –—„‘ ’ “”, , ed.^eds !• –—„‘ ’ “”, , trans. ûû!• –—ˆ‘ ’ “”  , !•$  vols.!–—t‘’ “”   (!• –—|‘’ “” •$  edn.ûû!–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘ ’ “”  ; !• –—t‘ ’ “”  : !• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  )ûû!• –—t‘’ “”   ûû!• –—x‘@’ “”  at !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— Ì¡¢¼t‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  'ûû!• ', ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “”  (ûû!• –—t‘ ’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  )ûû!–—x‘@’ “”  at !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ”¡¢„t‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  'ûû!• ', ûû!–—Ä‘’ “” •l  , !X"(#$%&"(#$%&–—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—h‘’ “” • –—€‘#’ “”( , sec. ûû!• –—x‘’ “”  p. !• –—x‘@’ “”  at !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ,¡¢t‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  'ûû!• ', ûû!–— ‘ ’ “” in ûû!•8 ( (ed.),^(eds.), !–—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “”  (ûû!• –—|‘’ “” •$  edn.ûû!–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘ ’ “”  ; !• –—t‘ ’ “”  : !• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  )ûû!• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—x‘@’ “”  at !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ¡¢€t‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  'ûû!• ', ûû!–—Ä‘’ “” •l  , !X"(#$%&"(#$%&–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  /ûû!• –—€‘’ “”   (!•  )ûû!–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—x‘@’ “”  at !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ¤¡ ¢”‘’ “” •8 ( (ed.),^(eds.), !–—h‘’ “” • –—ˆ‘ ’ “”0 , ed.^eds. ûû!• –—„‘ ’ “”, , trans. ûû!• –—ˆ‘ ’ “”   ûû!•$  vols.!–—t‘’ “”   (!• –—€‘’ “” •(  edn., ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  ; 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